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Community Corner June 2024 Posted or Updated on 3 Jun 2024

Upcoming events
We host weekly wellness events every Thursday (and some Tuesdays), offering a variety of activities aimed at improving health and wellbeing, free and open to all. Please also find this list of events and some posters attached if you wish to print and distribute them. Patients can register with us in person, via phone or email, or through our Eventbrite. Practices/ services are also very welcome to book on behalf of their patients.
Thursday 6th June 2pm-4pm  
Afternoon Meditation
Experience the peace and tranquility of meditation guided by a professional meditation teacher.  
Tuesday 11 June 6pm-8:30pm   
Circle of Soup: Eating for the menopause - EMAIL TO BOOK
Free cooking session where you can cook your own healthy bowl of food and learn about how nutrition can support menopausal health. 
Thursday 13th June 1:30pm-4pm 
Exhibition tour and workshop at the Saatchi Gallery
A free guided tour of the Beyond Fashion exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery, followed by a workshop (see more here
Thursday 13th June 6pm-8pm 
Men's Health Fair
Join us this Men’s Health Week for a free heart health check and information about how to support your health and wellbeing. 
Thursday 20th June 10:30am-12:30pm  
Walk and tour of the Chelsea Physic Garden
Join us for tea at Violet Melchett and then a walk and tour of the Chelsea Physic Garden (see more here).  
Thursday 27th June 10:30am-12:30pm  
Chair yoga (MORNING) 
Professional yoga instructor Gigi leads a gentle session of chair yoga, open to all abilities and mobilities.  
Thursday 27th June 2pm-4pm  
Wellbeing Workshop: Relaxation and mindfulness (AFTERNOON)
Learn evidence-based relaxation techniques to improve wellbeing and how to introduce them into your week. 
The VM Courtyard Garden  
We are excited to be starting our first gardening course, facilitated by the wonderful team of teachers at Hammersmith Community Gardens. We have an enthusiastic group of learners, and the first lesson will begin on Tuesday 4th June. Those who missed the sign up should feel free to contact us to register their interest for future gardening projects.  
Men's Health Fair at Violet Melchett 
To celebrate Men's Health Week, we are holding a Men's Health Fair at the Violet Melchett Health and Wellbeing Hub (30 Flood Walk, SW3 5RR) on Thursday the 13th of June from 6-8pm. The event will raise awareness of common men's health issues, bringing local residents, healthcare professionals and community organisations together in order to promote men’s mental and physical health. 
Targeting men aged 40-65 from groups experiencing health inequalities, we'll be offering free heart health check-ups from our GPs as well as stalls offering information on mental health, sport and physical activity, social groups, healthy food and more. We've attached a poster to promote this event - please feel free to display within your practices and share widely with both patients and staff. All are welcome!  
A reminder about referrals 
Community Corner at Violet Melchett acts as an information and support hub with regards to both healthcare and community services. Our mission is to enhance individuals' health and wellbeing by addressing broader determinants of health, with a particular focus on combating loneliness and fostering a sense of community. We are open for walk-ins at Violet Melchett every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10am – 4pm. Open and accessible to all, anyone can drop in, whether with a request for specific support or simply for a hot drink and friendly conversation. We welcome signposting/ referrals (via email) from practices and services for both drop-ins and appointments.
As ever, we welcome you to get in touch with any questions you may have about our service. You can email us at or by phone on 020 361 4434. We hope you have a wonderful June!
Warm wishes,

The Community Corner Team

Violet Melchett Health & Wellbeing Hub


(  020 3621 4434

Local Services
Hearing Aids
Home Care
Eye Surgery
& Treatments
Local Services
Hearing Aids
Home Care
Eye Surgery
& Treatments